The results indicate that the large molecular weight PFS can be synthesized in normal temperature and normal pressure, The alkalinity degree of the novel PFS is12. 结果表明,在常温常压条件下能生成高分子量的聚合硫酸铁产品,试验表明产品的混凝脱色性能良好,盐基度在12。
Normal pressure and temperature 额定压力及温度正常压力和温度
Zinc sulfate was produced in process of soaking blende with sulfuric acid of high concentration in oxygen and at normal pressure. 研究了在常压、通氧条件下,用浓硫酸浸取闪锌矿制取硫酸锌时酸浸条件对锌浸取率的影响。
In addition, due to that the container works under the normal pressure, the inner container need not bear the pressure, and thereby the container can be made into square. 另外,由于储罐是在常压下工作,所以其内胆也不需要承受压力,因而储罐可以制成矩形。
PC extended hypoxia-resistance time in normal pressure and raised hypoxia-resistance ability of mice; 延长小鼠常压耐缺氧时间,提高抗耐缺氧能力;
The experiments show that the normal pressure two-section acid hydrolysis is obviously superior to concentrated acid hydrolysis. 结果显示常压两段酸水解工艺的效果明显优于浓酸水解。
ObjectiveTo provide a reliable imaging evidence for the diagnosis and prognosis of normal pressure hydrocephalus. 目的:为正常压力性脑积水的诊断及预后提供一个可靠的影像学依据。
The method that test the flame spread speed of ball powder with micropores in normal pressure by using transparent glass tube is feasible. 采用透明玻璃管测试常压状态下微气孔球形药的传火速度是可行的。
Ink Jet Printing of Normal Pressure Air Plasma Treated Silk Fabric 常压空气等离子体处理后真丝织物的喷墨印花
The pressure-swing coal gasification is a new process which has been developed from the normal pressure coal gasification process. 变压煤气化工艺是在目前的常压间歇固定床气化基础上改进而来的一种新型工艺。
Horizontally, overpressure is strong in the center of the sag and turns into normal pressure on the slope. ②横向上,超压在洼陷中心强烈发育,到斜坡和隆起带渐渐演变为正常压力。
Preparation of trimesic from mesitylene in liquid phase oxidation by air under normal pressure was studied. 介绍以均三甲苯为原料,采用液相空气氧化法制取均苯三酸的工艺方法。
Glass forming pressure needed to provide air pressure, the normal pressure is6-8 MPa. 杯子成型需要气压提供,正常气压为6-8兆帕。需要配三立方空压机。
Research on a adjustable normal pressure device based on finite element analyses 基于有限元分析的可调预压装置的研究
The liquid chromatography can be subdivided into high performance chromatography ( HPLC) and several chromatographic methods running under normal pressure. 液相有可以细分为高效液相方法和几种常压的液相方法。
An air mass of higher than normal pressure. 气压比正常值高的气团。
Fire Water Supply System is the regulator system to maintain normal pressure pumps, the system plays a guardianship role and the system has automatic control functions. 消防给水系统稳压是系统平时维持压力的水泵,对系统起着监护作用和使系统具有自动控制的功能。
The synthesis processing of meta-phenoxytoluene at normal pressure were studied. 对常压下合成间苯氧基甲苯的方法进行改进并应用于工业化。
An ethylene diffusion flame has been investigated at normal pressure using synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet ( VUV) photoionization and molecular-beam mass spectrometry. 本文利用探针取样法结合同步辐射真空紫外光电离和分子束质谱技术研究了常压下的乙烯扩散火焰。
The simplified theoretical model of normal pressure was derived, and the pressure delivery principle of multi-point blank holder was analyzed with FE simulation. 根据理论计算得到了法向压力分布的简化模型,并结合有限元数值模拟对多点压边圈上的压力传递问题进行了分析。
The utility model relates to a one person multi-time full transparent mask which is a medical appliance used in high-pressure and normal pressure oxygen inhalation therapies. 一人多次性全透明面罩是一种应用于高压和常压吸氧疗法使用医疗器械。
Eventually, the hose springs a leak or ruptures under normal pressure. 最后在正常压力下热水管产生裂缝或破裂。
The results indicate that the formation of calcium silicate hydrate is difficult at normal pressure. 结果表明,在常压下除硅,难以形成水合硅酸钙。
Effect of Normal Pressure Air Plasma Treatment on Polyester Wetting Property 常压空气等离子体处理对涤纶润湿性能的影响
The changes of the turbidity, color and browning degree of Hami-melon juice treated by high-density CO_2 and normal pressure 高密度CO2和常压处理对哈密瓜汁浊度、色度、褐变度变化的研究
Low energy ions have been generated from implanter and gas arc discharge at normal pressure, and impacted on amino acids in solid state and in aqueous solution. 分别以注入机和气体常压弧光放电产生的低能离子作用于固态和溶液中的氨基酸,研究了样品红外光谱的变化。
Open furnace bottom, increase steam charging steam valve to ensure normal pressure quantity of gas stove. 开启炉底蒸汽阀,增大蒸汽入炉量以确保煤气炉正常压力。
As a pulp washing device recently developed, the new-type pressure diffuser is an updated product for normal pressure diffuser. 新型压力扩散洗涤器是国外最近推出的洗浆设备,是常压扩散洗涤器的更新换代产品。
Study on no catalytic partial oxidation of methane to syngas in normal pressure 甲烷常压非催化部分氧化制合成气研究
Actually, HPLC is generally called, there are several kinds according to the mechanisms, all come from the several ones running under normal pressure. 其实高效液相只是统称,根据机理不同可分为好几种,都是从几种常压的液相发展而来。